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Driveway & Parking Lot Safety


We’ve probably all seen the TV commercial where the guy backs up out of his driveway and suddenly stops as a child walks behind his vehicle, barely missing them by inches. Every time we back up out of a driveway or a parking lot, the anxiety of a hitting a child, an adult or a pet that unexpectedly appears directly behind your car likely crosses your mind. It’s a real problem nationwide, because more than 9,000 children are treated every year in emergency rooms for injuries that occurred while they were unattended in or around motor vehicles.

These helpful suggestions about how to navigate safely in driveways and parking lots are offered by Professional Paint & Body Inc. in Alabaster, AL.

ABL: Always Be Looking…and Please Slow Down

We’re all at a disadvantage when we back up in car, because our vision is limited and the act of backing up is not a natural motion. As human beings, we naturally prefer moving ahead and looking forward, so safety while backing up in any scenario can be compromised. That’s why the first tip (which seems like common sense) is slow down. Take the time it needs to back up carefully and by checking in every direction—including behind you.

Kids love cars, and when they see a parked car, they don’t even think about the possibility of getting hurt or seriously injured. That’s why parents have to be always aware and extremely vigilant. These types of accidents are usually preventable and injuries and deaths occur in driveways or parking lots when drivers are unaware that children are near vehicles. Tragically, these drivers are often family members or friends of the injured child. But these injuries are easily prevented by following a few simple tips:

Helpful Directives that Can Save Lives

  • Before getting into the car, walk all the way around it, to make sure children are not under or behind the car. If children are outside, have them stand away from the car with another adult until you have left the driveway.
  • When possible, park your car so that you can pull forward instead of having to back out. If you need to back out, check all mirrors, and do so carefully.
  • Try not to use the driveway for play. It is better to find a safe spot for your child that is away from all parked or moving cars.
  • Pick up any toys, bikes, chalk or other play items near the driveway that could attract children.
  • Designate a safe spot for children to wait when nearby vehicles are about to move and make sure the drivers can see them.
  • Accompany little kids when they get in and out of a vehicle. Hold their hands while walking near moving vehicles, in driveways and parking lots or on sidewalks.
  • Be especially careful around daycare clinics and schools during drop-off and pick-up times. Children may be difficult to see, as they are running to meet their caregivers.

Prevent the next accident in a driveway or parking lot by sharing these tips with your friends, associates and colleagues, because these types of accidents are way too common and preventable in almost every case. By following these simple suggestions provided by Professional Paint & Body Inc. in Alabaster, we can all avoid tragedies in driveways or parking lots.

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