You Just Got a Ticket. Should You go to Traffic School or Just Pay It?
You acted a fool and now you have to go to traffic school? Don't feel ashamed, because it has happened to many people who also drive around Grants Pass, or throughout OR. At Ham's Body Shop, Inc. of Grants Pass, we know traffic tickets are a reality and no one is perfect, so here is some useful information for you to use while considering traffic schools and their distinct advantages.
Signing Up for Traffic School
Attending traffic school is an excellent way to make you not just a safer driver, but also a better driver overall. Signing up for a traffic school is a sage decision because some states will allow you do bypass paying tickets or decrease your number of negative points on your driving record if you attend one.
There are two types of traffic schools--ones where you have to go and attend them in an actual classroom and others that are conducted completely online. Online traffic schools are fairly new, so not every state currently offers them.
Online traffic schools have a number of significant benefits over actual classroom teaching. Obviously, convenience is one of the most attractive aspects of online instruction. If you possess an Internet connection and a desktop or laptop computer, then you qualify. (Sorry, you can't take the classes on your smart phone).
The Benefits of Online Traffic School 
Most traffic schools take place on weekday evenings after work or on Saturdays. People are usually tired after work and that's why many people opt out and don't attend. Online traffic schools are great for busy people and statistics show that people will learn more if they're comfortable and in a good mindset. How much are you actually going to absorb if you are sitting in classroom for an extended period of time while the instructor tries to keep you awake? Online traffic schools are designed to get the student involved, without boring them or making them sit through an 8-hour class in one sitting.
One of the very best things about online traffic schools is that they are more affordable than ones held in actual classrooms. It just makes sense, because the online schools do not have to rent classrooms, pay instructors or recruit students either. Plus, you can take the online classes at your convenience, as long as you complete the program within the prearranged period of time. If you only have one hour to dedicate to the online program, for instance, that's okay. You can fit it in when you can and that's one of the biggest advantages you will find vs. what they call "brick and mortar" classes.
So, you messed up and you got a ticket. But, if you want to keep it off your driving record, consider traffic school--here in Grants Pass or anywhere else in the state of OR. If your state offers online courses, why not consider that option? They're more convenient with flexible times and you can take them in your pajamas if you desire.
Sources: California DMV, AARP and Insurance Insider