My Car Has Been Towed! What's next?
My Car Has Been Towed! What's next?

Most people have experienced the instant dread associated with having their car towed. You walk out to where you're sure your can was parked and your stomach drops. What happened? Was it stolen? Was I parked illegally? It may be that you are the victim of a bandit towing scam and here are a few things you can do about it.
The first thing to remember is to stay calm. Panicking won't help and will make the next steps exponentially more difficult. When you've collected yourself, call the local police agency. After collecting some basic information, they can determine if your can has been towed or if they need to come to you to fill out a police report.
If your can has been towed, look for regulatory signs that may indicate why it was towed. If there is no visible signage, be sure to document this for future reference.
If you're very lucky, you may just find that the truck with your car in tow hasn't reached commercial streets yet. If you car is already on the truck but still in the parking lot, the tow operator can legally ask you for half of what a police garage would charge for towing. If you can't or won't pay, the issue becomes a civil matter and the tow operator must release your vehicle to you. If the driver leaves the parking lot with your vehicle because you wouldn't or couldn't pay, the driver may be in violation of a state vehicle code.
For example, in California it is Vehicle Code 10851, which is taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent. The laws vary from state to state, but most have some law in place in regard to this.
If your car is already back at the tow yard, be sure to look over the invoice before paying to get your car back. If you see any strange charges, challenge them. Some common charges include a "gate charge" or "service fee." These are illegal under most state regulations. The next thing to do is to check for damages. Take a video of the outside of the car for future reference. If you do find any damages resulting from the tow driver's improper handling, this can become a civil matter. Be sure to find a reputable auto body shop such as Michael Jordan Collision Center in the city of Durham, NC. The last thing you want is to be taken for another ride by an auto body shop looking to make a quick buck off of your misfortune.
If you think you are the victim of a towing scam, fill out a police report. You may be able to get some of the damages back, and you'll be doing a favor to other potential victims of their predatory practices.
Written By: Todd Hendrickson