Best Synthetic Oils of 2018
Best Synthetic Oils of 2018

The benefits of synthetic oils have been proven time and again since their inception over forty years ago. Yes, they might be a little pricier than conventional motor oils, but they are far more efficient and longer lasting. With so many to choose from it can be a little daunting choosing which is the best fit. From recent testing, here are a few of the best to make the process a bit easier.
- Mobile 1 5W-30 - There's a reason why Mobile 1 is the official oil of NASCAR. It's simply the best. This particular blend gives a great range of viscosity for better stability in a large range of temperatures. It's great for performance models, luxury cars, or daily drivers.
- Valvoline SynPower 0W-20 - While Mobile 1 may perform well under a variety of conditions, Valvoline's 0W-20 performs the best in the colder climes. In any situation where you'll be cold starting in cold weather, this should be your go-to. It's even slightly less expensive than its closest competitors!
- Pennzoil Platinum 5W-20 - This one makes the list due to its ability to add longevity. Its advanced detergents break up engine sludge while additives prevent new sludge from forming. Overall it'll give you a 40 percent cleaner engine while providing adequate lubrication in extreme temperatures.
- Special mention also belongs to Shell's Rotella T6 5W-40. It's specifically designed for diesel engines and does a fantastic job of adding longevity and protection while giving a boost to fuel economy up to 2 MPG.
Having a synthetic oil also means you'll be changing out less often, which more than makes up for the price differential.
To find out exactly how often you should be getting your oil changes, consult your owner's manual and check with the oil's manufacturer to get a rough estimate.
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Written By: Todd Hendrickson