Top 5 Superhero Movie Cars of All-Time
With comic book companies like DC and Marvel producing new superhero movies and graphic novels faster than you can say "Pow!" "Bam!" or "Shazam!", superheroes are at an all-time high in popularity.
So, for a fun blog, all of us at Joyce Koons Auto Body are psyched to be sharing our list of the Top 5 Superhero Movie Cars of All-Time, according to comic book fans from all over the world.
1.) Batman's Tumbler
If we ever saw this amazing vehicle on the roads here in Manassas, VA, we would turn greener than the Joker with envy. Over the decades, Batman has had a wide range of different vehicles, from the original TV series to all of the movies that came later. They're all impressive, but the Batman Tumbler that first appeared on-screen during Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy is by far the most superhero car of all-time. It was conceived by Nathan Crowley and designed, built and mostly used in Britain, thanks to the 20-strong team working on the project.
2.) Iron Man's R8 E-Tron 
The best thing about Tony Starks' ride in several of the Iron Man films is that this car actually exists and if you're rich like Tony, you can order one via special order from Audi. The R8 E-Tron has been targeted as an open technology carrier and working instrument for Audi engineers to test and perform research and development for the future. You won't be a superhero by owning this vehicle, but at least you can travel like one.
3.) Tank Girl's Tank
In both the comic book series and the film, Tank Girl (aka Rebecca Buck) drives a tank, which is also her home. Imagine an RV with a bunch of guns and missiles. The tank has become a secondary character in this series and a ton of merchandising surrounds it.
4.) Ninja Turtles' Party Wagon 
Cowabunga! Covered in armor and loaded up with an arsenal of special ninja weapons, nothing can stop the Ninja Turtles' Party Wagon. Decked out in Turtle shell hubcaps and radical racing radials, this is probably the smoothest ride available in the super hero world currently.
5.) The Green Hornet's Black Beauty
This sleek, ultra-cool vehicle can fire rockets with explosive warheads from tubes concealed behind retractable panels below the headlights. Green Hornet and Kato his sidekick have defeated bad guys using the Black Beauty since 1966, when the original TV series debuted.
Are you a superhero fan? Which vehicle would you want to use to drive around Manassas? Let us know!
Sources: Marvel, Ain't It Cool News and Fandango