What are Your Driving Pet Peeves?
Everyone who has been driving for more than a few years has a set of their very own driving pet peeves. While most people in Sanford adhere to the laws and play it smart on the road, we all will encounter some annoying driving behavior that is perplexing and concerning.
At Seminole Toyota Collision Center, we know accidents will happen and in some cases, no one is to blame. Here in Sanford and throughout the entire state of FL, some people still drive erratically and that's why we're listing all of the possible driving pet peeves we've seen or read about.
In the end, what can we do when we encounter one or more of these peeves? Pretty much nothing, unless your son or daughter or spouse is guilty of any of these. The best advice about driving comes from the good old UK--Stay Calm and Carry On. Don't let other drivers' bad habits and crazy moves to dissuade you from being a safe and responsible driver yourself.
We imagine that many of these pet peeves happen when people are driving while distracted and also possibly while intoxicated. Also, rookie drivers (16-18 years of age) are also guilty of these driving disorders. That's why we always have to be cautious and wary of the other person on the road.

Our List of Driving Pet Peeves Includes:
- Drivers ahead of you who do not use turn signals before making a turn
- Teenage drivers who blare out their music on the radio while they wait at a stop sign
- Women to apply lipstick or makeup at a red light
- Men who shave while driving
- Drivers who park in the middle of a yellow line, thereby taking up two car spaces
- Large commercial trucks that tailgate on the freeway
- Drivers who zigzag from the left lane to the middle lane to the right lane and speed because they're allegedly behind schedule
- Cars stopping traffic to allow cars to enter traffic
- Cars not following zipper method when merging
- Parking lot induced dents and scratches
- Pulling out in front of other drivers without looking first.
- Driving well below the posted speed limits
- Weaving inside the lane
- Driving too close to the middle line that frightens opposing traffic
- Terrible roads with huge pot holes, poor signage and cracking asphalt
- Flying debris from uncovered trucks
- Litter on the road
- People blinding oncoming traffic with headlights on high beams
Can you think of anymore? I bet you can. We hope that by reading this list, we won't shock you or perturb you. Veteran drivers or people who drive for their livelihoods will likely say "I've seen them all!" and unfortunately, it's probably true. Maybe if we can just concentrate on not making any of these irregular moves out there on the roads and highways of the USA, we can help to make them safer for all of us. A few sage suggestions from all of us at Seminole Toyota Collision Center.
Sources: CNN, MSN and NBC