Why VeriFacts

VeriFacts Automotive is uniquely qualified to provide independent, third-party verification of a shop's overall ability to consistently deliver high quality collision repairs. The VeriFacts Verified Quality Program exposes shops that deliver excellence in collision repair and distinguish themselves as participants in the industry's only in-shop, quality observation and collision repair scoring system. The primary goal of VeriFacts Automotive is to work with the industry – shop managers, repair technicians, insurance professionals and vehicle manufacturers – to promote the objective that every vehicle is repaired properly, safely and in the most cost-effective manner possible. The VeriFacts Verified Quality program assists everyone involved in the repair process to achieve their objective:
- As a vehicle owner, you want the highest quality repair and best experience possible with the shop you select in exchange for the insurance premium you pay.
- As an insurer, you want your insured's vehicle repaired quickly and properly so the vehicle owner is happy with the claims experience and continues to be your customer.
- As a shop manager, you want to deliver the highest quality repair possible for every customer that walks through your door.
- As a vehicle manufacturer, you know that a properly repaired vehicle is vital to maintaining your vehicle's reputation in the industry for quality and reliability.
- Finally, as a repair technician, you know your skills, knowledge and craftsmanship play a vital role in ensuring each vehicle is repaired pro
VeriFacts VQ Medallion
VQ Medallion is the highest level of VeriFacts VQ Program Certification achievable by a repair center. VQ Medallion means that the shop has achieved all 5 stars of the VQ Program for the current quarter.
VeriFacts VQ and Coaching
This program combines the VeriFacts Coaching Program with the VeriFacts VQ (Verified Quality) Program. The VQ Program confirms that a repair facility has all the resources necessary to achieve a safe and proper repair. As a participant in the VQ program, the shop has made a commitment to be measured and audited by VeriFacts industry experts.