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World Class Refinishing Products

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Innovation for the Automotive Industry

With more than three billion vehicles on the road in the near future, mobility, emissions, fuel economy, and safety are critical. We invite you to collaborate with our global team to find science-driven, sustainable solutions.

Choosing the right material is crucial to balancing the need to design low-emission, fuel-efficient vehicles without compromising performance, comfort or cost. With more than 100 high-performance product families and technologies and a global network of development experts, DuPont helps the automotive industry deliver efficient vehicles and elevate the driving experience.

We are focused on developing innovative solutions for the automotive industry across eight automotive themes: Sustainability; Alternative Drive; Lightweighting; Improved Performance; Powertrain Efficiency; Total System Cost; Safety; and Comfort and Design. Together we can find the right solutions and build cleaner, energy-efficient cars that people love to drive.