Automotive Safety Tips for Dogs and Their People

by Ed Attanasio - Wed, Mar 25, 2015 2:36 PM

Automotive Safety Tips for Dogs and Their People

With the summer months approaching and vacation plans underway, a big question many of us will be asking ourselves is if we should bring our dogs along for the ride. For some of you pet parents out there, a vacation can’t be fun unless your four-legged family members get to come, too—but traveling can be highly stressful for you and your animal companions. Luckily, with thoughtful preparation, you can ensure a safe and comfortable trip for everyone.

Traveling with a pet involves more than just loading the animal in the back seat and motoring off—especially if you’ll be driving long distances, or plan to be away for a long time.

When It Comes to Vacationing in This Country, the American Attitude Is BYOD—Bring Your Own Dog!

The ASPCA and several other pet advocacy groups offer the following tips to help you prepare for a safe and smooth car trip. We’ve done our research, so rest assured that we’re not barking up the wrong tree with these suggestions:

By using these simple guidelines, your mutts will be happy and safe as they travel the roads of this great country this summer. Having your companion(s) with you on vacation means you’ll save boarding fees and allow them to enjoy, the beaches, mountains and attractions along the way!

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Ed Attanasio
Ed has been a professional writer for more than 35 years and his specialties include B2B reporting, blogging, ad copywriting, public relations and general editorial.