Wrap Up and Conclusion of the SEMA Show 2014

by Tom Zoebelein - Fri, Nov 7, 2014 2:08 PM

Another SEMA show has drawn to a close, and even though it has been a fun and exciting show, there are a lot of achy feet and weary travelers ready to make their way home. I always joke that my favorite part of Las Vegas is the airport heading home.

What We Learned at SEMA

For us, the 2014 SEMA show was total success!  At our booth we enjoyed informing people about who we are, handing out our swag (such as a foam-phone and tote bag), and as always, we added new customers to our website. We also learned more in depth information about the new F-150, which we happily made a blog about (check it out here!). Also, Curt, Greg and Andrew attended CIC (Collision Industry Conference). At the conference, we learned some important things that will affect the auto body industry as a whole. For instance, GM Collision Parts has debuted a new campaign that will feature With, Genuine GM’s collision parts will be made available with automated, real-time pricing. More info here!

Another important thing that was announced at CIC is that Randy Stabler has been named the chairman of CIC, for a two year term. We were very excited to see Randy Stabler take over the chairman position. Randy is a longtime customer of ours, and we are happy to see him become the new leader of CIC.

Having Fun at SEMA!

SEMA is not all work and no play, though, and we haven’t forgotten to allow ourselves to have fun! Here is Jennifer with the actual movie dog- van from Dumb and Dumber!

That’s a Wrap!

As I mentioned earlier this week, it is impossible to see everything at SEMA. So if you couldn’t make it out, or want to see some of our highlights, we have included a few images at the end of this post. We hope you had a great week, travel safely and we will see you next year at SEMA 2015!